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Laser technology makes human organ regeneration is not a dream

Publish Date 2014-11-25
Perhaps in the near future, organ regeneration is not a dream. This would like to thank the laser -- this has been almost half a century the history of technology. According to researchers, this technology, currently only rodent animal do. In the promotion of human body, also required a period of time. This research is made by Americans who.
The specific application, the researchers said, if successful, this method may let the heart tissue regeneration, but also can be used for treatment of inflammation and repair bone and wound.
The author, a dentist and pathologist Pravin Arani said, he was heard on laser laser can potentially interested in wound healing ability to repair and make hair regeneration rumors after the. He said to be of no avail, laser frequency particularly low, and the commonly used high frequency laser to cut and burn tissue, so the light dose must be careful to grasp. He spent years carefully adjusting the light degree in order to find the optimal dose.
Research shows that, in a proper degree, laser seems to trigger a release of reactive oxygen species in chemical reaction, and the reactive oxygen species is a potentially destructive molecules. In view of the active oxygen, the body's natural healing process will activate the transforming growth factor (TGF) - beta, it plays a critical role in embryonic development, wound healing and immune system. TGF- beta can stimulate the formation of new dentin.
Alani and Mooney proved that they can use low power laser irradiation rodent teeth dentin formation, but they also can not stimulate the regrown dentin intact teeth -- new missing tooth structure. But Alani hopeful that can think of ways to make structure has been rebuilt. That is to say, was not yet mature and perfect, but believe that good prospects for the near future.
- OFweek laser

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